
Frequently asked questions

How do you choose what shows up in my news feed (MyNews)?

We don’t! You are in total control of what shows up there and you set the order – no algorithms, no bias, and no bots.

How do I activate my university wide subscription? If we don’t have one, how do we request it?

You have to sign up with your university email address – if you are still experiencing problems, please email us: wecare@spotlightnews.us

Have your university contact us to bring Spotlight to your school! sales@spotlightnews.us

How do I add to my news feed a topic of interest to me?

Just search for what you want to catch up on. If a topic doesn’t show, hit the plus and give your custom topic a name.

What are SpotlightNews® challenges?

SpotlightNews® challenges are competitions you qualify for by first meeting the reading minimum requirement. You can then enter sports challenges like NFL Pick’em and our bracket challenge with other Spotlight users for a chance to win prizes like AirPods and Amazon gift cards.

Where do I send feedback or report issues?

Please feel free to email us at any time: wecare@spotlightnews.us